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Algumas mensagens pelo 10º aniversário da ADP e do Templo LaoZi

We bring our blessings sincerely from Taipei Sung Shan Tsu Huei temple to Portugal Laozi Temple and Daoist Association.

As the Covid19 pandemic,we can not attend your 10th anniversary ceremony. We pray Laozi God and Golden Mother to bless all of you with peace and health. 

During the pandemic, the outside world is changing, but we need to peace and calm our inner mind to pray the Gods to stop disasters in the world.

We are looking forward to see you in Taipei. Please do not forget the Golden Mother temple is the home for everyone !


Mestra Kuo Yeh-Tzi, 
Templo Song Shan Ci Hui Tang, Taipei, Taiwan, 15 de Julho 2020

Dear Barreno, I’m so happy to know that on July 18th,you are celebrating the 10th Anniversary  of Lao Zi Temple and  Portugal  Daoist Association in Lisbon Portugal. We, Tai Yi Tao Yuan, send our great Blessings to all of your students and members, blessings of peace,safety,health, prosperity and that more people join you 。Thank you so much Warm regards 

Mestre Huang Sheng-Teh,  
Reitor do Instituto Taoista Tai Yi, Tai Yi Tao Yuan, Taipei, Taiwan, 18 de Julho 2020









The Qinghua Temple in Xi'an, China, 

President Huang Shizhen of the International Daoism Association. 

July 18, 2020

Mr. Huang Jing Yun,
President of the Portuguese Daoism Association,
Abbot of Laozi Temple 

July 18, 2020 is the 10th anniversary of the founding of Laozi Temple in Lisbon, Portugal and the Daoism Association of Portugal, as well as the 11th anniversary of the International Daoism Association. 

On this special day worthy of commemoration, I am very happy to, 
on behalf of the International Daoism Association, warmly congratulate the 10th anniversary celebration activities success of Laozi Temple in Lisbon, Portugal and the Portugal Daoism Association. 

To the Portugal Daoism Association and Lao Zi Temple all the Daoist friends to say hello. 

I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all the people who care, help and support the Portugal Daoism Association. 

Pay tribute to president Huang Jingyun for his ten years of devotion to Daoism. 

In the past ten years, under the leadership of Daoist priest Huang Jingyun, He has done a lot of work, which is respected by the Portuguese and International Daoist circles.

It has successively established the Institute of Laozi in Portugal, the temple of Laozi in Portugal, the center of the Silk Road in Portugal, and the Clinic
 of Daoist medicine in Portugal. 

P. D.A have been organizing training and learning, receiving more than 100 converted disciples, so that thousands of Portuguese can understand Daoism, join Daoism, learn Daoism, and promote Daoism. Chinese daoist priest Huang Shizhen and daoist priest Huang ShengDe were invited to teach daoist culture in Portugal, and daoist priest Huang Jingxiang arranged to come to Qinghua temple in China to learn the knowledge of Chanting Sutras. 

 P. D.A was invited to participate in the lnternational Daoist forum held in Nanyue mountains, Hengshan and Wudang Mountains in China, established friendly relations with Beijing of China, Hong  Kong of China, Taiwan of China, Macao of China, Europe, Southeast Asia and other countries and regions, supported the work of China Daoist Association and International Daoist Association, and made great contributions to the development of International Daoism.

I believe that under the leadership of president Huang Jingyun, as long as we unite as one, respect Dao and guide virtue, and help the people, you will continue to make greater outstanding contributions to Portugal and international daoism.

I wish you all good fortune.

Bless you all the best. 

Your Master Huang Shizhen,

President of the International Daoism Association. 

DaoZhang do Templo Qing Hua Gong, Xi'an, R. P. China
18 de Julho 2020

PDA, Laozi Temple and Clinic of Daoist Medicine, Master Huang Jing Yun and all members. 
Continue with your wonderful efforts, go with the flow of Dao, all challenges and difficulties will seem nothing in comparison with your steadfast devotion and commitment to propagate the teachings of Taoism!

Master Chén Zhì Xiá, Yu  Huang Gong, Singapura, 18 de Julho 2020

I wish your 10th anniversary ceremony will be very holy and blessed from Golden Mother.  Keep going ! 母娘慈悲

Mestra Teresa Chi, Templo Song Shan Ci Hui, Taipei, Taiwan, 15 de Julho 2020

Nuestra más sincera enhorabuena por el trabajo de difusión que hacen. Felicitaciones a sus miembros y al Maestro Barreno.
Pedro G. Murcia Casas, Mestre Tian ChongShan, Presidente da Comunidad Taoista Española, 
18 de Julho 2020

Muitos parabéns pelo maravilhoso caminho.
Liliana Pereira, Rong Lai, 33ª Geração de LongMen Pai, Templo LaoZi, Lisboa

"Uma décima ao Tao", Margarida Vale de Gato, 18 de Julho 2020

Deixo um abraço com muito carinho a todos vós. Em particular aqueles que fizeram parte do início desta caminhada, e que foram tão importantes para a minha caminhada. Apesar de distante, ou mais afastada de todo o trabalho que tem sido feito, trago-vos no meu coração e honro este entrelaçar de vidas. 
GRATIDÃO é talvez a palavra que mais sentido me faz neste momento.
Muita Paz para todos nós. 
Até já! ❤
Cláudia Freches, 18 de Julho 2020

Parabéns a todos!!! Obrigada por tudo. Só beneficiei convosco, sempre! Um enorme abraço.
Rita Azevedo Gomes, 18 de Julho 2020

Não vou poder estar fisicamente, mas envio a minha luz de presença, transportamo-nos para lugares bons e assim aí estarei.
Irenes Dias, 17 de Julho 2020

Parabéns à Associação e seus associados.
Teresa Martins, 18 de Julho 2020

Parabéns à ADP e aos seus elementos!
Francisco Silva, 16 de Julho 2020


Mensagens populares deste blogue

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Yin e Yang: excerto de um Comentário ao Dao De Jing

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Templo Lao Zi

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Celebração de Aniversário de LaoZi em LuYi, R.P. China, e Primeira Reunião da Federação Mundial de Daoismo (World Federation of Daoism - WFD)

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