Just let stay and contemplate, arriving to the consciousness of wú wéi zh ī Dào. Let stay and contemplate, means not to use your active mind. Because nothing else needs to be done, operating in such an everlasting way, is why non action must be taken. When observing purple color during meditation it implies the utmost higher resonance. This means Sa ̄ nQ ī ng resonance, operating in an intermediate state, without form but still with image. The vibration in this level of meditation is very high, increasing the power within the body. This power is then acquired as "Higher without response", and the practician will know that thought is no more required. In"JY- Cadernos de meditação" Desde o momento do nascimento que a vida começa por respirar. Devemos assim ao acto de respirar o facto de aqui estarmos e em primeira instância nos mantermos vivos. Aliás, podemos estar dias sem comer nem beber, mas no que toca à respiração apenas conseguimos dela pr...